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Interface LayoutProviderProps




baseId: string

The base id for the layout component. This is required since all the child components use this to generate their ids.

children: ReactNode

The children to render that can inherit the current layout.

defaultToggleableVisible?: boolean | "toggleable" | "toggleable-mini"

This prop is used to be able to update the toggleable layouts to start visible/expanded instead of requiring the toggle button to be pressed.

If this is:

  • "toggleable" - the "toggleable-mini" variant will still require a button click to be visible
  • "toggleable-mini" - the "toggleable" variant will still require a button click to be visible
  • true - both toggleable variants will start visible
  • false | undefined - both toggleable variants will require a button click to be visible

@since 2.6.0

desktopLayout?: SupportedWideLayout

The type of layout to use when your app is viewed on a desktop sized screen.

fixedAppBar?: boolean

{@inheritDoc LayoutContext.fixedAppBar}

landscapeTabletLayout?: SupportedWideLayout

The type of layout to use when your app is viewed on a landscape tablet sized screen.

largeDesktopLayout?: SupportedWideLayout

The type of layout to use when your app is viewed on a large desktop sized screen.

Note: Unlike all the other layout types, this one will automatically inherit the desktopLayout if it is omitted.

phoneLayout?: SupportedPhoneLayout

The type of layout to use when your app is viewed on a phone sized screen.

tabletLayout?: SupportedTabletLayout

The type of layout to use when your app is viewed on a portrait tabled sized screen.

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